
Read our Health Blog for helpful tips and advice from our Winnipeg dentists on what to do in a dental emergency, and how to take care of all aspects of your health!

Unveiling the Secrets of Your Smile: What Exactly are Teeth Made Of?

February 15th, 2024|

Ever wondered what your pearly whites are made of? It's not just bone, as you might think. Our teeth are complex structures, each designed with a specific purpose in mind. The main substances that make up our teeth are enamel, dentin, cementum, and pulp. Each of these plays a vital role in the health and function of our teeth. Let's delve deeper into the composition of our teeth and understand wha

Unraveling the Mystery: Discovering the Number and Diversity of Teeth in Sharks

February 15th, 2024|

Ever wondered about the toothy grin of a shark? I've always been fascinated by their dental prowess. Sharks are renowned for their impressive set of choppers, and it's no secret that these ocean predators boast a mouthful of teeth. But just how many teeth does a shark have? If you're thinking it's a lot, you'd be right. But the actual number might surprise you. Sharks don't just have a single set

Prosthodontist or Oral Surgeon: Who Should Do Your Dental Implants?

February 15th, 2024|

Ever wondered who's the go-to pro for dental implants? It's not your regular dentist. Dental implants require a specialized skill set that not all dentists have. This is where prosthodontists and oral surgeons step in. Prosthodontists are the architects of the dental world. They're the ones who design and oversee the creation of tooth replacements, like implants. On the other hand, oral surgeons a

Effective Strategies to Reduce Wisdom Teeth Swelling: A Complete Guide

February 15th, 2024|

If you're like me, you've probably experienced the discomfort that comes with wisdom teeth swelling. It's not a pleasant experience, but luckily, there are ways to reduce the swelling and alleviate the pain. In this article, I'll share some effective strategies that I've found to help manage wisdom teeth swelling. You'll learn about the importance of good oral hygiene, the benefits of cold compres

Understanding the Costs: Emergency Tooth Extraction Explained

February 15th, 2024|

Ever found yourself in the middle of the night clutching your cheek, writhing in pain, and wondering, "how much is an extraction at the emergency dentist?" I've been there, and I know it's not just the throbbing toothache that keeps you up, but also the worry about the potential hole it's going to burn in your pocket. The cost of an emergency tooth extraction can vary widely based on several facto

Understanding the Dental Benefits of Night Guards: Why Dentists Recommend Them

February 15th, 2024|

Ever wonder why your dentist might suggest you wear a night guard? It's not just an upsell. There's actually a lot of science behind it. Night guards, also known as dental guards or bite splints, can be a game-changer for those suffering from certain dental issues. You might be grinding your teeth at night without even realizing it. This condition, known as bruxism, can cause serious damage to you